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This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. |
[32] | Matthew Malensek*, Sangmi Lee Pallickara, and Shrideep Pallickara. Hermes: Federating Fog and Cloud Nodes to Support Query Evaluations in Continuous Sensing Environments. (To appear) IEEE Cloud Computing. 2017. |
[31] | Walid Budgaga*, Matthew Malensek*, Sangmi Lee Pallickara, and Shrideep Pallickara. A Framework for Scalable Real-Time Anomaly Detection over Voluminous, Geospatial Data Streams. (To appear) Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience. John-Wiley. 2017. |
[30] | Wes Lloyd, Shrideep Pallickara, Olaf David, Mazdak Arabi, Tyler Wible, Jeffrey Ditty, and Ken Rojas. Demystifying the Clouds: Harnessing Resource Utilization Models for Cost Effective Infrastructure Alternatives. (To appear) IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 2017. |
[29] | Matthew Malensek, Sangmi Pallickara, and Shrideep Pallickara. Fast, Ad Hoc Query Evaluations over Multidimensional Geospatial Datasets. (To appear) IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 2017. |
[28] | Thilina Buddhika and Shrideep Pallickara. Neptune: Real Time Stream Processing for Internet of Things and Sensing Environments. Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium. pp 1143-1152. Chicago, USA. 2016. |
[27] | Matthew Malensek, Sangmi Lee Pallickara, and Shrideep Pallickara. Autonomous Data Management and Federation to Support High-throughput Query Evaluations over Voluminous Datasets. IEEE Cloud Computing. Vol 3(3) pp 40-49. 2016. |
[26] | Walid Budgaga, Matthew Malensek, Sangmi Pallickara, Neil Harvey, Jay Breidt, and Shrideep Pallickara. Predictive Analytics Using Statistical, Learning, and Ensemble Methods to Support Real-Time Exploration of Discrete Event Simulations. Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsevier. Volume 56, March 2016, Pages 360–374. 2016. |
[25] | Matthew Malensek, Sangmi Lee Pallickara, and Shrideep Pallickara. Analytic Queries over Geospatial Time-Series Data using Distributed Hash Tables. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Vol 28(6) pp 1408-1422. 2016. |
[24] | Matthew Malensek, Sangmi Lee Pallickara, and Shrideep Pallickara. Minerva: Proactive Disk Scheduling for QoS in Multi-Tier, Multi-Tenant Cloud Environments. IEEE Internet Computing. Vol 20 (3) pp 19-27. 2016. |
[23] | Zhiquan Sui, Matthew Malensek, Neil Harvey, and Shrideep Pallickara. Autonomous Orchestration of Distributed Discrete Event Simulations in the Presence of Resource Uncertainty. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems. Vol. 10(3): 18. 2015. |
[22] | Kathleen Ericson, Shrideep Pallickara, and Charles Anderson. Failure-Resilient Real-Time Processing of Health Streams. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience. Vol. 27(7) pp 1695–1717. John-Wiley. |
[21] | Matthew Malensek, Sangmi Lee Pallickara and Shrideep Pallickara. Alleviation of Disk I/O Contention in Virtualized Settings for Data-Intensive Computing. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Big Data Computing. Cyprus. 2015. |
[20] | Amila Suriarachchi and Shrideep Pallickara. DEBS Grand Challenge: A High-Throughput, Scalable Solution for Calculating Frequent Routes and Profitability of New York Taxis. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS). pp 301-308. Oslo, Norway. 2015. ** Shortlisted for the ACM DEBS-2015 Grand Challenge Award. |
[19] | Matthew Malensek, Walid Budgaga, Sangmi Pallickara, Neil Harvey, Jay Bredit, and Shrideep Pallickara. Using Distributed Analytics to Enable Real-Time Exploration of Discrete Event Simulations. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. London, UK. 2014. |
[18] | Zhiquan Sui, Neil Harvey, and Shrideep Pallickara. Learning Based Distributed Orchestration of Stochastic Discrete Event Simulations. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. London, UK. 2014. |
[17] | Matthew Malensek, Sangmi Pallickara, and Shrideep Pallickara. Geometry and Proximity Constrained Query Evaluations over Large Geospatial Datasets Using Distributed Hash Tables. IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE). Special Issue on Extreme Data. Vol. 16(4) pp 53-60. 2014. |
[16] | Zhiquan Sui, Neil Harvey and Shrideep Pallickara. On the Distributed Orchestration of Stochastic Discrete Event Simulations. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience. John-Wiley. Vol. 26(11), pp 1889–1907. 2014. |
[15] | Wes Lloyd, Shrideep Pallickara, Olaf David, Mazdak Arabi, and Ken Rojas. Dynamic Scaling for Service Oriented Applications: Implications of Virtual Machine Placement on IaaS Clouds. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Conference on Cloud Engineering. Boston, MA. 2014. |
[14] | Matthew Malensek, Zhiquan Sui, Neil Harvey and Shrideep Pallickara. Autonomous, Failure-resilient Orchestration of Distributed Discrete Event Simulations. Proceedings of the ACM Cloud and Autonomic Computing Conference. Miami, USA. 2013. |
[13] | Kathleen Ericson and Shrideep Pallickara. Robust Processing of Health Stream Data. ACM/IEEE Super Computing Conference (SC). Doctoral Showcase. Denver, USA. 2013. |
[12] | Kathleen Ericson, Shrideep Pallickara, and Charles Anderson. Cloud-Based Analysis of EEG Signals for BCI Applications. Proceedings of the 5th International Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) Meeting. Pacific Grove, CA. 2013. |
[11] | Kathleen Ericson and Shrideep Pallickara. On the Performance of High Dimensional Data Clustering and Classification Algorithms. Future Generation Computer Systems. Vol 29(4): 1024-1034. 2013. Elsevier. |
[10] | Matthew Malensek, Sangmi Pallickara, and Shrideep Pallickara. Exploiting Geospatial and Chronological Characteristics in Data Streams to Enable Efficient Storage and Retrievals. Future Generation Computer Systems. Vol 29(4): 1049-1061. 2013. Elsevier. |
[9] | Kathleen Ericson and Shrideep Pallickara. On the Performance of Virtualized Infrastructures for Processing Real time Streaming Data. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. pp 176-183. Chicago, USA. 2012. |
[8] | Kathleen Ericson and Shrideep Pallickara. Adaptive Heterogeneous Language Support within a Cloud Runtime. Future Generation Computer Systems. Vol. 28(1), pp. 128-135. 2012. Elsevier. |
[7] | Kathleen Ericson and Shrideep Pallickara. On the Performance of Distributed Clustering Algorithms in File and Streaming Processing Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. Melbourne, Australia. 2011. |
[6] | Kathleen Ericson, Shrideep Pallickara, and Charles Anderson. Analyzing Electroencephalograms Using Cloud Computing Techniques. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science. Indianapolis. November 2010. ** Best Student Paper Award |
[5] | Sangmi Lee Pallickara, Shrideep Pallickara, Milija Zupanski, and Stephen Sullivan. Efficient Metadata Generation to Enable Interactive Data Discovery over Large-scale Scientific Data Collections. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science. Indianapolis. November 2010. |
[4] | Kathleen Ericson, Shrideep Pallickara, and Charles Anderson. Handwriting Recognition Using a Cloud Runtime. Proceedings of the RMCWIC Workshop '10. Selected as one of the 8 showcased presentations. |
[3] | Kathleen Ericson and Shrideep Pallickara. A Survey Of Storage and Fault Tolerance Strategies Used in Cloud Computing. Chapter 6. Handbook of Cloud Computing. Springer. 2010. pp. 137-158. ISBN: 978-1-4419-6523-3. |
[2] | Shrideep Pallickara, Jaliya Ekanayake and Geoffrey Fox. Granules: A Lightweight, Streaming Runtime for Cloud Computing With Support for Map-Reduce. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2009). New Orleans, LA. |
[1] | Shrideep Pallickara, Jaliya Ekanayake and Geoffrey Fox. An Overview of the Granules Runtime for Cloud Computing. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on e-Science. Indianapolis. December 2008. |
© The Granules Project Department of Computer Science Colorado State University |